- South Africa seal series after Ngidi, Malan heroics https://t.co/D17ePYMwOI #SAvAus 07:46:10, 2020-03-05
- There are no immediate plans to install flooglights at New Road. That appears to be the least of Worcestershire's p… https://t.co/3DO1rEoMCT 07:48:08, 2020-03-05
- RT @windiescricket: Barbados Pride is making a statement so far this season. Can they maintain their #1️⃣ position with 4 Rounds remaining… 07:48:48, 2020-03-05
- RT @legsidelizzy: For those of you that give a shit about this sort of thing, I have had it confirmed that the world test championship fina… 08:21:32, 2020-03-05
- Stlll over six hours till the first semi-final but that is not a cheerful radar image. #T20WorldCup https://t.co/esgQklSNHr 08:35:36, 2020-03-05
- however it actually has to stop raining before they can do anything https://t.co/ZoeS5Fsb9V 08:46:35, 2020-03-05
- RT @wutube: Fair enough ICC shouldn’t add in semi-final reserve day at last minute for Women’s T20 World Cup. But why oh why is there no re… 09:44:00, 2020-03-05
- @tasmangibbons @wutube partly because that's not true and we've recently had an exceptionally long dry spell, water restrictions and drought in reply to tasmangibbons 10:20:51, 2020-03-05
- @tasmangibbons @wutube I wouldn't schedule cricket at the Gabba in March and you'll notice that the ICC didn't eithet in reply to tasmangibbons 10:23:30, 2020-03-05
- For all the drought, bushfire and water restrictions this summer, Sydney has been unlucky with much of its cricket,… https://t.co/S0Vv2qR9TA 13:58:19, 2020-03-05
- Play all international cricket at Marvel Stadium other don't complain https://t.co/bnWXDvzNSs 14:00:21, 2020-03-05
- @wkbarakzai yes and that was in the middle of the drought in reply to wkbarakzai 14:14:55, 2020-03-05
- and the SCG DJ is in action. Gene Kelly Singin in the Rain followed by Supertramp It's Raining Again 14:18:54, 2020-03-05
- RT @WeathermanABC: Mostly wet, Quite heavy along the coast at present and will become patchier and light through the afternoon and evening… 14:25:45, 2020-03-05
- 2.30pm and funnily enough the #EngvInd toss has been delayed. https://t.co/spbiqqNaLL 14:31:41, 2020-03-05
- @iSoumikSaheb no they're up first. I don't think it will make a difference in reply to iSoumikSaheb 14:42:35, 2020-03-05
- Welcome to Country by Uncle Allen Madden goes ahead under cover in the Members Stand. 15:03:35, 2020-03-05
- Tomorrow's forecast for the reserve day that never was: https://t.co/3UVVB8wdK0 15:18:31, 2020-03-05
- RT @scg: EP3 has now closed due to weather conditions and will not reopen for the rest of the day.
Please use the Entertainment Quarter o… 15:18:40, 2020-03-05
- @danbrettig I was amazed that Adelaide missed out on both finals. Wasn't there some insistance that the men's and w… https://t.co/B3iW0bMOsU in reply to danbrettig 15:39:48, 2020-03-05
- @crickether I just realised I was walking past as you recorded that! in reply to crickether 15:42:55, 2020-03-05
- with special appearance by "Man in Raincoat with Walking Stick Walking Past" at 0:11 https://t.co/YOYqAdKSzf 15:44:44, 2020-03-05
- Getting gloomier at the SCG. Hasn't stopped raining at all in the past two hours 15:53:22, 2020-03-05
- @munawarsghost If we move the game to Bathurst which is where the edge of the rain cloud appears to be in reply to munawarsghost 15:56:24, 2020-03-05
- @GAURAVMISHRA09 You lucky or unlucky with the weather. If they played yesterday they would have got both games in. in reply to GAURAVMISHRA09 15:58:19, 2020-03-05
- SCG DJ now playing Dragon "It's Been Raining"
PS the members stand clock is keeping its own time, claiming to be 4.… https://t.co/vS6RcdWGXZ 16:04:40, 2020-03-05 - @munawarsghost What market? Betfair, Nasdaq or the eBay toilet paper market? in reply to munawarsghost 16:06:06, 2020-03-05
- Floodlights haven't been switched on yet, probably thinking it will be a waste of time in reply to rickeyrecricket 16:07:27, 2020-03-05
- @munawarsghost Not a hope of a full game in reply to munawarsghost 16:08:26, 2020-03-05
- @Cricketbaba5 Depends how heavy the rain is I guess. There's less surface water on the ground than there was about an hour ago. in reply to Cricketbaba5 16:10:58, 2020-03-05
- Congratulations India, winners of the first semi final by zero runs. 16:11:45, 2020-03-05
- @ShyamaShyam7 that too in reply to ShyamaShyam7 16:14:12, 2020-03-05
- The Bharat Army are celebrating India's first appearance in a Womens World T20/World Cup final. https://t.co/8frJ12f4xB 16:16:07, 2020-03-05
- @JustJimWillDo Weather is actually clearing over the Blue Mountains, not sure if that will get to Sydney in time in reply to JustJimWillDo 16:23:26, 2020-03-05
- RT @bbctms: Pictures speak louder than words.
📻📱LIVE reaction 👉 https://t.co/WAndPcbKzB
#bbccricket #T20WorldCup https://t.co/d0Fjqvejtw 16:23:59, 2020-03-05
- The clock on the members stand is definitely whizzing around at double time. It's now showing 5.40pm at 4.26 16:27:03, 2020-03-05
- RT @RVICricketStats: So that will be a YES then! 16:27:43, 2020-03-05
- Good to see that everyone's an instant expert on meteorology and event logistics. Makes a change from all the epide… https://t.co/2cN9TKAUn6 16:42:02, 2020-03-05
- @munawarsghost We could be lucky but it still has to be 10/10 in reply to munawarsghost 16:43:23, 2020-03-05
- @SupertrampMS There's still the luck element. If they'd played Monday and Wednesday we'd have had four games instea… https://t.co/Gj6Zu2kRKi in reply to SupertrampMS 16:46:34, 2020-03-05
- Let's not go there. Please. https://t.co/yrgi0Yj195 16:49:51, 2020-03-05
- RT @crickether: Heather in the press conf: “No. Next question.” 16:59:19, 2020-03-05
- RT @Danni_Wyatt: Gutted 😔 17:00:46, 2020-03-05
- RT @JhulanG10: Congrats Team on reaching the final! You guys deserved it after a superb performance in the group stage. Just one more game… 17:00:51, 2020-03-05
- RT @imVkohli: Congratulations to the Indian Women's team on qualifying for the @T20WorldCup final. We are proud of you girls and wish you a… 17:01:05, 2020-03-05
- RT @Shell_Cooling3: Incredibly dissapointing as I sit here & watch the rain fall from our office. Think it’s rained like this maybe 3 times… 17:01:57, 2020-03-05
- A hopeful sign, conditions are clearing to the west of Sydney https://t.co/A4cjo8jIqO 17:17:27, 2020-03-05
- @FlashCric I don't think that storm over Mudgee will be a problem in reply to FlashCric 17:20:31, 2020-03-05
- @DeadlineDavis 8.51 I believe in reply to DeadlineDavis 17:21:07, 2020-03-05
- We appear to be back to a fine drizzle now. Of course it has to stop completely before the ground staff can do their work. 17:27:11, 2020-03-05
- @BazzaPa No hope of that I reckon but a short game is possible if they start before 8.51pm in reply to BazzaPa 17:32:46, 2020-03-05
- @anurag_kumar08 Between half an hour and an hour I'd say. in reply to anurag_kumar08 17:34:39, 2020-03-05
- RT @LiebCricket: What if everybody donated all the excess rolls of toilet paper they bought to instead build an impromptu roof for the SCG?… 17:35:05, 2020-03-05
- The lights are on, the rain has eased but not stopped, one of the umpires comes out to have.a look. https://t.co/YdkntT0S9w 17:43:46, 2020-03-05
- @BazzaPa Yes in reply to BazzaPa 17:44:51, 2020-03-05
- RT @thebharatarmy: 🇮🇳 TIME TO MAKE HISTORY! Join us in Bay M54 at the #MCG for the final of the @T20WorldCup as we cheer for the @BCCIWomen… 17:51:54, 2020-03-05
- I think it's stopped 18:03:27, 2020-03-05
- The super sopper is being wheeled out. If there's no more rain… 18:09:34, 2020-03-05
- Biggest cheer of the day. https://t.co/rM0mMfRZ0u 18:23:10, 2020-03-05
- @introvert_HiRa Late start so nearly a full game in reply to introvert_HiRa 18:29:56, 2020-03-05
- The pyrotechnics are being brought on to the ground. At least some of The Show Must Go On. 18:31:26, 2020-03-05
- A huge pall of smoke from the fireworks drifts into the Trumper Stand where, thankfully, no spectators are sitting 18:47:52, 2020-03-05
- This is all the light show you need at the cricket. Pretty special effects with the perimeter signage. #SayNoToPyro https://t.co/6wW7YEIM9A 18:49:57, 2020-03-05
- @007_mak A thousand people can make a noise when they have been sitting around for hours in reply to 007_mak 18:51:18, 2020-03-05
- @DeadlineDavis Yep, everyone getting ready for a start in reply to DeadlineDavis 18:52:17, 2020-03-05
- @007_mak Most of the grandstands are nearly empty, which is a pity in reply to 007_mak 18:53:07, 2020-03-05
- Everyone's getting ready for a slightly delayed start https://t.co/ZSQ1QHdrsP 18:57:14, 2020-03-05
- @shaik_Tweets There might be some more rain later tonight in reply to shaik_Tweets 18:58:45, 2020-03-05
- @TheCricketGeek It's a bit like planning for a fifth day of a Test match, you might need one, you might not… in reply to TheCricketGeek 19:01:30, 2020-03-05
- @MikeKeegan_DM @Paul_NewmanDM @ICC Slightly over-the-top reaction? Dark day for the sport? Has there never been a g… https://t.co/B7Nv7EXStL in reply to MikeKeegan_DM 19:03:31, 2020-03-05
- @Vivek7968 Full twenty apparently in reply to Vivek7968 19:04:12, 2020-03-05
- @InnoBystander Optimism in reply to InnoBystander 19:05:25, 2020-03-05
- Dane van Niekerk is going to have a bowl. #AusvSA 19:06:35, 2020-03-05
- RT @OfficialCSA: TEAM NEWS: Marizanne Kapp has been ruled out of the semi-final.
Here’s your playing XI. Can they guide South Africa to th… 19:11:49, 2020-03-05
- RT @alanroderick: Chances of there being only enough time for 20 overs… but all 20 of them are spent playing the first innings? 19:12:32, 2020-03-05
- No national anthems. Should happen more often. 19:20:43, 2020-03-05
- More fireworks. You know my opinion so I'll leave it at that. 19:23:01, 2020-03-05
- Four and a half hours we've been waiting for some cricket and finally it's happening. #AUSvSA #T20WorldCup https://t.co/P1TbmIatyM 19:28:34, 2020-03-05
- @oliverjones1988 If it was Sri Lanka versus Bangladesh they'd have to deduct overs in reply to oliverjones1988 19:32:12, 2020-03-05
- The hyperactive SCG clock has ticked past midnight in reply to rickeyrecricket 19:40:01, 2020-03-05
- Great mark by van Niekerk at centre half forward. Every wicket will hurt Australia's DLS par score. #AUSvSA 19:47:05, 2020-03-05
- Crowd has built up noticeably since the start of play. Doubt we'll get close to ten thousand though. 19:56:53, 2020-03-05
- RT @momocricket: Everest Premier League postponed until further notice.
In light of precautions against COVID-19, Ministry of Home Affair… 19:57:40, 2020-03-05
- @RicFinlay We could be lucky if it passes to the north in reply to RicFinlay 19:58:55, 2020-03-05
- Ripper from de Klerk 20:03:39, 2020-03-05
- Jonassen at 4! in reply to rickeyrecricket 20:03:55, 2020-03-05
- @williamsonguyy Yes but if we're lucky it will be a passing shower or it will arrive late in reply to williamsonguyy 20:17:03, 2020-03-05
- Definitely more rain bearing down on Sydney but we might be lucky and just clip the fringes of it 20:24:12, 2020-03-05
- Nadine de Klerk is a handy bowler to have as a backup. #AusvSA 20:35:15, 2020-03-05
- That review should be worth a five run penalty to South Africa 20:38:27, 2020-03-05
- Nadine de Klerk 3/19. #AusvSA 20:39:14, 2020-03-05
- It's starting to sprinkle 20:42:57, 2020-03-05
- having said that, Thailand scored 150 runs in these conditions on Tuesday in reply to rickeyrecricket 20:44:22, 2020-03-05
- Australia 5/134 (20) and the covers are coming out as the rain intensifies. Looking at the radar I'm still optimist… https://t.co/9EYVW488Bu 20:53:59, 2020-03-05
- RT @InnoBystander: If we lose 10 overs in reply, the target would be 80 off 10 overs… #T20WorldCup 20:54:23, 2020-03-05
- RT @gauravkalra75: all said, south africa are due a break in a rain affected world cup semifinal at sydney #T20WorldCup 20:58:51, 2020-03-05
- The rope crew are getting ready in preparation for the rain to stop, which the radar indicates will happen very soo… https://t.co/cJkmI0vTzb 21:11:17, 2020-03-05
- there's probably a name for the "rope crew" but I'm sorry I don't know what it is in reply to rickeyrecricket 21:12:04, 2020-03-05
- @neilcunningha12 Reduced now in reply to neilcunningha12 21:15:00, 2020-03-05
- Farce or outrage is not the failure to have a reserve day for a world cup semi-final.
Farce or outrage is buying a… https://t.co/RhNGWk5V60 21:18:00, 2020-03-05
- Seeing as the SCG clock says 3.26am does that mean we can go home? https://t.co/TJSGsLMEMe 21:19:56, 2020-03-05
- Rain hasn't quite stopped but the rope is in action 21:20:26, 2020-03-05
- The best ground staff in world cricket? Now there's a topic worthy of debate https://t.co/mxlZfRpvoi 21:28:49, 2020-03-05
- I want Bettina Arndt's AM to be recycled and reissued to the SCG ground staff https://t.co/EnYgYqz1FA 21:29:10, 2020-03-05
- 9.40 restart, 13 overs to play. Still very fine drizzle btw and good that they're not letting that get in the way. #AusvSA 21:31:54, 2020-03-05
- @LukeSale1 There is that, yes in reply to LukeSale1 21:32:24, 2020-03-05
- @L_EToffee Yes but I think they'll get away with that in reply to L_EToffee 21:34:25, 2020-03-05
- 4am! Honestly @SCG what is it with this double-speed clock of yours? https://t.co/nFvscMWop3 21:37:30, 2020-03-05
- That's called buying a wicket 21:48:41, 2020-03-05
- 6161 at the SCG tonight. Looking for eighty-four thousand more than that on Sunday. 21:54:03, 2020-03-05
- 47/3 (8) two overs till we have a match. #AusvSA 22:09:07, 2020-03-05
- There might be only six thousand people here but they're roundly applauding every dot ball. And every single too. #AUSvSA 22:11:34, 2020-03-05
- Ten overs done, game alive. We'll get to thirteen overs no trouble I think 22:17:24, 2020-03-05
- Chloe Tryon. Here we go. #AUSvSA 22:23:10, 2020-03-05
- The rain is back. One over to play. They'll see this out. 19 to win for South Africa. 22:25:35, 2020-03-05
- And gone. https://t.co/0Q7RShtwhs 22:26:11, 2020-03-05
- @Aphlatooon They've already passed that in reply to Aphlatooon 22:28:07, 2020-03-05
- 8 from 1 ball. Not 22 but bad enough 22:29:56, 2020-03-05
- Australia will play India in Sunday's World Cup final. https://t.co/s2mGJKmnJQ 22:31:35, 2020-03-05
- That's my live cricket season done for 2019-20. A thrilling finish, Australia brilliantly defending a small target… https://t.co/fdRHgViT1N 22:40:12, 2020-03-05
- @dshrikant91 watching on TV in reply to dshrikant91 22:48:50, 2020-03-05
- @jose_down_under nah fly-in-fly-out ODI series do nothing for me. Might catch some of the Shield final in Wollongon… https://t.co/KucILaCidA in reply to jose_down_under 23:03:35, 2020-03-05
- RT @CricketAus: We hope the wi-fi worked well for our Aussie men's squad players who tuned in from the team bus in South Africa to support… 23:04:05, 2020-03-05
- @Harsandhu5982 I liked their hunger in their field tonight in reply to Harsandhu5982 23:05:04, 2020-03-05
- @LadiesWhoLeague Thanks Mary, I feel about ready to catch up with some rugby league for a while in reply to LadiesWhoLeague 23:06:00, 2020-03-05
- RT @T20WorldCup: 🏏💥 India v Australia
🎵🎤 Katy PerryBe there to create history on Sunday as we aim to #FillTheMCG
Get your tickets now… 23:07:50, 2020-03-05
- RT @AllanDonald33: Our @OfficialCSA ladies fell just short tonight at the @scg in the @iccworldt20 vs @CricketAus. @kappie777 @MdpMinx22 @L… 23:08:10, 2020-03-05
- sorry but this is hyperbolics https://t.co/w3CMLgddRc 23:11:46, 2020-03-05
- @sailwiz no they're professionals with a job to do and with their number one priority being to see that paying cust… https://t.co/Aw4AfrvDdv in reply to sailwiz 23:41:16, 2020-03-05
- RT @BharatArmyLion: 🦁🇮🇳 It has been a dream run in the @t20worldcup so far. I'll be the loudest in Melbourne, roaring for the Women in Blue… 23:51:27, 2020-03-05